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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
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About Us

Loving Our Small towns Since 1901!

Being a local bank means we are connected on many levels to the communities that we serve. Our staff reside in these communities, their kids go to the schools and are involved in sports, 4-H and the fine arts. We are involved in committees and sit on boards of groups that strive to better our little towns. It is our great passion to see each one of our communities soar. We volunteer our time and continuously make donations to see that this happens.


Original Libertyville Savings Bank office in Libertyville Iowa.

Libertyville Savings Bank was established in 1901 in the small village of Libertyville, Iowa. Since then we have continued to grow and now have office locations in several small communities in southeast Iowa including Libertyville, Fairfield, Eldon, Keosauqua,  Keota and Douds. We are passionate about supporting these communities and their surrounding areas.

All 6 Libertyville locations. Fairfield, Libertyville, Eldon, Keosauqua, Keota, and Douds. We feel it’s important to give back. Each year our employees volunteer hundreds of hours of their time. We volunteer for Hospice, the Lord’s Cupboard, Carry on Bags for kids, local school activities, civic events, county fairs, celebrations and local community parades, just to name a few. In addition to time volunteered we average $150,000 or more in monetary donations & sponsorships each year. If you would like to request a donation, please download and submit our Donation Request Form. Please note that we need at least two weeks’ notice for all donation requests. 

Various donation and volunteer pictures to show our LSB pride.


We are INCREDIBLY proud to say that we are an 11-year running top Iowa workplace!! Our team is amazing, and this huge milestone wouldn’t be possible without their dedication to service.


Follow us on Facebook to see all the fun we have supporting our community or catch a few highlights here. 

   Winter 2024 Newsletter Page 1
Winter 2024 Newsletter page 2
Winter 2024 Newsletter page 3
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Donation Request Form

If you would like to request a donation please download and submit this form.
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We have 6 offices in southeast Iowa, whether you’re in Fairfield, Libertyville, Eldon, Keosauqua,  Keota, Douds or the surrounding area, we have you covered!
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Loving our small towns since 1901!

Libertyville, Fairfield, Eldon, Keosauqua, Keota & Douds.
Remote Deposit Capture (Business Accounts